Sunday, 27 October 2013

Wearing braces - Part 1

Pre braces: Bug tooth that bugged me quite a bit.

My first set of pink braces

At the not so young age of 26, I've finally succumbed to braces. I started wearing my braces on Tuesday, 22nd October 2013. It has been nothing but a bitter painful affair. Geez, and this is only the beginning of the long and arduous journey? Big sigh :( 

Anyhow, my teeth currently feels as though sheets of square metals are hugging on to them for their dear life. The pressure is so intense on my teeth that sometimes I feel like simply yanking out those metal brackets. Another irritating part of this process, are the sores that I'm getting on my cheeks. I've tried using the wax but it gets brushed out of my mouth every single time I brush my teeth. Eating has been a total nightmare. Not only do I eat dramatically slower, but I have also seemed to have lost my biting sensation. 

Guess I did not do enough research to scare myself off the painful effects of putting on braces. So in the name of good dental health and vanity, cheers to a bearable 1.5 - 2 years of journeying with those metal pieces 

Because food is a big part of my life, it is thus no surprise that I've been trying out different types of outside food that are bearable to eat. Through my experience, I hope to compile a list of food around Singapore that are kind on braces wearers.

Do you have a list of food to share that are good for braces wearers?

My next dental visit will be in mid November, so stay tuned for my next update. (:

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5