Friday, 28 November 2014

10 things I learnt from wearing braces

1. Pain 

I have no idea how others go around saying that it is not a painful process. My experience has been nothing but painful. However, I do admit that the pain is manageable. Meaning, it is less painful than a pimple extraction. But the process of a pimple extraction usually lasts for 30 minutes while this lasts for an average of 2 years! As the metal bands exert their forces on my teeth and gums, I can feel the pressure in my mouth as I go to work or hang out with friends. The pressure I experience usually lasts for about a week from the time I tighten my braces. I usually make monthly trips to the dentist to tighten my braces. Logically, I've been trying to figure out how one's teeth can shift into place if there is no pain. If you can't feel your teeth shifting, what happened to your set of nerves at that area?  

2. Rubber bands

At a certain juncture of your braces treatment, your dentist may ask you to start strapping rubber bands to your braces. These rubber bands are removable, unlike the metal brackets that are fixed to your teeth. There is a lot of discipline involved at this stage. You have to wear your rubber bands on a daily basis in order for your teeth to shift. I was quite lazy and only wore it at night. Reason being, I had to always take out the rubber bands before eating. It was pretty tedious to take them off and put new ones in, especially when you are at work. And as expected, this has stretched the time needed for me to shift my teeth. 

3. Rubber chains

Look at the above set of teeth. I've a set of rubber chain strapped on my upper teeth. Compare it with the lower teeth that does not have a rubber chain. Spot the difference? A rubber chain makes your braces even more visible, especially if you've chosen a bright vibrant colour. A greater amount of food also gets stuck in between the rubber chain. So if you are a working adult, I would advise you to skip the traditional metal braces and opt for invisalign instead. Having a bright colourful chain strapped across your teeth, not only makes you look like a kid, but food bits protruding out of your braces makes you look very unglam 

4. Difficult to chew

Before putting those metal chains on, I used to be a relatively fast eater. I would be able to gulp down my lunch within 15 minutes. Braces makes you a handicap in a way. Eating a meal takes double the time and double the effort. You chewing strength is decreased and therefore, the food that needs more chewing like steak and popcorn, makes for a much longer chewing experience. 

With the metal braces on, you can forget about biting through an uncut apple or eating sweet caramelized popcorn. With the extra weight on your teeth, you return to being a baby. Food needs to be cut, smashed or chopped for an enjoyable dining experience. I used to go into my fridge to take out whatever fruits there are and munch them on the spot. But now, all my fruits like apples, pears and guavas need to be cut into bite-size pieces before I can consume them. So yes, with this difficulty in chewing, u will end up having to set aside more time to cut, smash or chop your food. 

5. Trapped food

Another negative part of wearing braces is the increased rate at which food gets stuck in between your teeth and the braces. The chains of a braces seems to have this invisible magnetic force that attracts the bits and pieces of food that gets placed in your mouth. Usually during meal times, I moth into an anti social being, being more comfortable with eating quietly than to be seen with my mouth open with food bits stuck in between my braces. And one is not spared even after the meal! The tedious process of brushing your teeth awaits. Oh how I wish I had my own personal toilet everywhere I went. It is quite difficult to find a private toilet when dining out. And this leaves me with my trusty toothpicks to be the unsung heroes of cleaning up all the dirt in my teeth. Yeah, I feel very aunty whenever I start cleaning my teeth with a toothpick. 

6. Dirty Toothbrush

Before braces, I seldom had food bits stuck in my toothbrush. But somehow, with this new braces phase, my toothbrush seems to be always dirty with food bits trapped in between the bristles. And because these food bits are so small, I have to use a special bristle to extract the trapped food. I know, very disgusting right? Well, one of the many pains of wearing braces. 

7. Bristles

As with point 6, I have had to buy specialised bristles to dig out the bits that a normal toothbrush can't brush out. Inadvertently, this added more cost to my braces treatment and also more time for oral hygiene.

8. Retainers

Taking off your braces does not signal the end of the journey. You will still need to wear your braces for a good 1 to 2 years. And the cycle of difficult eating and difficult communication continues.

9. Communication

If you work or study in a industry that requires minimal talking, good for you. My current job requires me to constantly communicate all the time. Wearing braces hinders your pronunciation and that can make your life at work a bit difficult. 

10. Looking like a kid

Because I chose to wear coloured metal braces, I've started to look a lot younger. It's actually a good thing if you are in the creative industry or a kid related one. But not too good if you want people to take you seriously. My dentist told me that the traditional metal braces is actually the best go to option for a shorter treatment time. Hence, my decision to take it up, as treatment time was my number  one priority. 

Just a few more month to go!

So despite all these inconveniences which I have to put up with, I've heard many raves about post-braces wearers feeling so happy with their new set of really straight teeth. And as such, I'm really excited for mine too. Just need to have the discipline to wear my rubber bands on a daily basis and I'm all set to take those braces off!

Next: Wearing Braces - The end is here!