Wednesday, 24 June 2015

My Tokyobike

In this post, I'll answer the many questions with regards to my latest Tokyobike.

Where did you buy your bike from?

(Source: Tokyobike Facebook)

I bought it online from . But prior to buying the bike online, I actually went down to the shop at Haji lane to have a go on the bike. The shop is located at 38-01 Haji Lane.

What model did you get?

I bought the CS in white colour. I did not feel comfortable on the Sports series and the next best alternative was the CS. The Bisou pink frame is very popular with ladies but I wanted something lighter.

Did you have to get any extra accessories?

Yes, lots - water bottle holder, front and back lights, handphone pouch, bell and a hook-on bag.

How do you maintain it?

M helps with greasing my chains for me. I wipe the frame with jif once in awhile. M also helps to pump my tyres for me once in awhile at the petrol station.

Would you be cycling if not for M?

No, it's our couple activity. I'll probably be blogging more and hiding at home.

What challenges do you face doing this couple activity together?

M being a guy, cycles at an average speed faster than me. I feel bad making him cycle at my speed as he will not be getting his maximum workout. M also likes to cycles for long stretches while I get tired just cycling after an hour. We try to compromise. Some days we cycle for 2hours, some days we do an hour.

Where do the two of you usually cycle to?

We usually cycle along the Punggol Park Connector. I did a photo journal of my route here - click here.

Any interesting sights along the way?

Yes, you'll see people from all walks of life. From the couple hanging out at a dimly lit area to the young teenagers who whisk past them on their brightly lit multi-coloured bicycles.

When I say brightly lit, I meant something like this.

You just have to come down to a park connector to see it for yourself.